The safest and fastest way for fat reduction, sculpting curves, and skin tightening is now available with the latest nonsurgical breakthrough in body contouring, UltraBody CONTOUR.

Now you can safely tighten any loose skin, get rid of unwanted fat, lift and shape your buttocks and get the body you desire, without the risk and cost of surgery.


UltraBody CONTOUR is the revolution of non-invasive treatments. The safest and fastest way for fat reduction, sculpting curves, and skin tightening is now available with the latest nonsurgical breakthrough in body contouring, UltraBody CONTOUR.

This treatment combines fat-busting elements which works by stimulating fat cells, causing a change in the permeability of the cell membrane. The cells are then broken down further using pulses to remove unwanted fat from the fat cell. This treatment also improves skin tone, reduces cellulite, and activates collagen production while tightening the skin.

Treatment Services

We offer the following treatments with our UltraBody CONTOUR
UltraBody BUTTLIFT cutting-edge techniques:
It also helps with:

The UltraBody machines have many functions which allow trained therapists to offer a wide range of body contouring treatments including express treatments, cellulite treatments, skin tightening and fat dissolving. You can achieve your body goals with the UltraBody CONTOUR / BUTTLIFT machines.

Here is only a sample of what many treatments the UltraBody CONTOUR / BUTTLIFT offers:

Tummy Sculpt

Defining the tummy area and waist, losing the excess fat and tightening loose skin.

Ab Sculpting

Sculpt and shape a 6 pack giving you the ultimate definition

Bingo Wings

Tighten excess sagging skin in just a 30-minute treatment.

Back Fat

Remove stubborn fat from the back and eliminate bra rolls.

The famous BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) is now available as a completely nonsurgical treatment.
Sculpt and lift your butt in only an 80-minute long treatment.

UltraBody BUTTLIFT is the revolution of the non-invasive BBL. The safest and fastest way to boost your booty. The triglycerides (broken-down fat from the UltraBody CONTOUR technique) are then used to reposition, contour, and sculpt into a round, shapely booty.

We can add volume or reduce volume as each client’s desires are different and the UltraBody CONTOUR and UltraBody BUTTLIFT treats it all.

Thigh Gap

Lose stubborn fat to achieve toned shapely thighs whilst banishing cellulite.

Double Chin

Get the profile you desire, let the UltraBody CONTOUR help with both sagging skin and stubborn fat on the neck area.

For Men

Men love body shaping too! Along with all the treatments listed above, UltraBody Contour can shape chests and abs with instant results.

Q and A

The procedure gives your body a powerful three-dimensional sculpt by breaking down unwanted fat and replacing it into the buttock area or removing it through the lymphatic system as well as tighten loose skin, improving skin tone, and reducing cellulite whilst creating a well-toned area.

Hell Yeah! The results are visible immediately, and the treatment will continue working for up to
eight weeks.

Depending on the number of treatments, some results can be permanent, but maintenance
appointments are recommended.

For the best possible results, a minimum of 7 days is advised.

The fat cells are undamaged, but due to the reaction of the treatment, the cell will empty it´s contents. The contents consist of Water, Glycerol and free fatty acids. Following a treatment the Glycerol or sugar is rapidly absorbed by the body. The water carries the free fatty acids, through the lymphatic system, and through the kidneys and are then passed out of the body with your urine.

It mainly depends on your lifestyle, if you maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine then yes.

We see the best results with clients that have some fat to work with and muscles to build on. Clients that have very little fat on or around the area and little muscle mass do take more time to build the booty and do not see the same end results as the first group mentioned.

It depends on your body and the problem area, how much we will need to work on to reach your goals. We can advice you in person in counseling. We always recommend a course of few treatments performed weekly, followed by a maintenance treatment every six to eight weeks.

The UltraBody is a multi-functional machine which means it can be used in the following areas:
Butt, non-surgical tummy tuck, thigh gaps, hips, back fat, double chin, calfs and arms (bingo wings).

No, you can continue your day as normal after your treatment, however sometimes the skin on the buttocks may be red and on very rare occasions may slightly bruise

Although the UltraBody treatments are not a miracle cure, we do achieve fantastic results and more so with the clients that do follow the advice of a sensible diet and exercise, meaning the healthier lifestyle you live you can achieve better results.

Contact Us

Feel free to reach out to us for any questions, we’re here to help you.

Working Hours

Mon- Sat: 8am-6pm


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